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HVAC Smart Multi Family FAQs
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HVAC Smart Multi Family FAQs

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All qualifying multi family projects must be pre-approved. Email or call 402-636-3753 for more information.

NOTE: Typically, your heating and cooling contractor will submit the OPPD rebate application and supporting documents on your behalf. If you choose to apply yourself, the following documents should accompany the application.

Documents needed to apply for rebate:
  ~ Electronic copy of AHRI Certificate(s)
  ~ Electronic copy of paid invoice from HVAC Contractor

download application


Rebates can take up to six weeks to process. 

You will receive a rebate check directly from OPPD. 

Residential multi family rebates for individually metered units are $125 for 15 SEER, $175 for 16+ SEER (includes geothermal units), or $100 for 10+ EER (single packaged units).

Rebates are based on seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER), according to the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) equipment rating. An AHRI certificate is one of the required documents needed for OPPD to process your rebate.

No, Cool Smart is not available for multi family developments at this time.

Contact your heating and cooling contractor if you experience a problem with your new heating and cooling system.

HVAC is a common acronym used in the heating and cooling industry. It stands for "heating, ventilation and air conditioning," three functions often combined into one system in today's modern homes and buildings.

Don't see your question listed above?

If you have other questions about HVACSmart, email or call 402-536-4131.