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Certified High Performance Homes FAQ
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Certified High Performance Homes FAQ

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A home, evaluated, inspected, and verified by a RESNET Certified Energy Rater for its energy efficiency characteristics. It is then assigned a Home Energy Rating Index or Score (HERS).

HERS stands for Home Energy Rating System established by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET).

A HERS index, or score, is a measurement of a home’s energy efficiency compared to a home built to minimum building codes. Like the game of golf, the lower the score, the better.

Although most CHPH homes are newly constructed, an existing home can qualify with enough energy improvements. A RESNET Certified Energy Rater can provide advice on improvements that can have the biggest impacts to an existing home to help achieve the lowest possible HERS score.

OPPD does not recommend Certified Energy Raters. Visit RESNET to find a rater near you.

Yes. OPPD provides a rebate of $250 for homes that achieve a HERS score of 60 or lower.

Once the home has a qualified HERS score, your energy rater will submit an OPPD application, along with the required supporting documents, for review and processing.

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