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How Greener Together Works
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How Greener Together Works

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How the Program Works

Make an impact, share your voice, and join a community dedicated to building a healthier, safer, and cleaner environment.

Vote & Select Projects

Rank, vote and select Greener Together projects during designated voting times.

Ongoing Project Updates

Behind the scenes real-time updates for ongoing projects.

Exclusive Future Project Details

Details and timelines on upcoming projects.

Monitor Ongoing Impact

The collective impact of Greener Together on the community.

Project Selection Process

Project Review Committee

 The Project Review Committee is comprised of several community members and OPPD employees. The committee reviews each potential project and reviews them based on a scoring matrix. Projects that meet our minimum qualifications are submitted to move forward.

Interested in being part of the review committee? Email Us

Project Advisory Committee

The Project Advisory Board is a team of senior leaders at OPPD who oversee and review the project recommendations provided by the Project Review Committee.

They ensure each recommended project has been scored accurately and aligns with OPPD’s core values.

Greener Together Community Voting

All Greener Together customers have the opportunity to vote on recommended projects. The top-ranked projects will then move onto the final round of voting.

Final Project

Gold and Emerald Greener Together customers vote on final projects to determine which project(s) will be funded by Greener Together.

Depending on voting results and available funding, more than 1 project may be selected!


Project Scoring

The project review committee looks at three main categories when scoring projects; environmental impact, community benefit, and project viability.



How projects positively impact socio-economic factors in our community.



The likelihood of successful and timely project development and implementation.



How the projects positively impact environmental resources through reduction, conservation and preservation.




How Does Voting Work?

Greener Together customers vote on and select projects to be funded through the Greener Together Program. Voting happens in two phases – initial voting and final voting.

Initial Voting 

All Greener Together customers get to vote in the initial voting round. Top ranked projects move forward to the final voting round.

Final Voting

Gold and Emerald Greener Together customers get to vote on the final voting round. The top-ranked project or projects get funded through the Greener Together Program.

Learn more about our membership levels here.

Who Gets to Vote?

Only Greener Together members have the ability to vote on projects. Join us in making a difference in our community.

When Does Voting Happen?

Greener Together customers will receive a notification when the preliminary voting round opens.

Where Do I Vote?

You will receive an email when the project voting is open and a reminder to vote before it closes. This email includes a link to the voting survey where you will rank your favorite projects.


Learn more about the latest projects.