
Meter Information
- Service Address
- Location (service address) where electric service is provided.
- Rate
- OPPD rate that applies to the Service Address.
- Billing Period
- Date of billing period start (From) and end (To) during this service period.
- Meter Number
- Number on the physical electric meter at your Service Address.
- Meter Reading
Number of kilowatt-hours recorded on your meter during this service period. Your previous meter reading and present meter reading and respective read dates are shown.
- Difference
- Your electric usage during this service period.
- Multiplier
- Used to calculate actual usage for meters that register only a portion of kilowatt-hours used. Normally shown on face of meter.
- Usage
- Your electric usage, which indicates kilowatt-hours (kWh) used during this service period. The difference between your present and previous meter readings is multiplied by Multiplier.
- Billing Demand
- Only applicable to demand-metered services.
Demand Information
Only applicable to demand-metered service to provide actual demand information.
Quick summary of your electric usage during this service period and comparison between current year and the previous if it is applicable.
- Billing Days
- Number of days during the service period for the current and previous year.
- kWh Use
- Number of kilowatt-hours used during the service period for the current and previous year.
- Avg. kWh per day
- Daily average number of kilowatt-hours used during the service period for the current and previous year.
- Avg. Temp
- Average temperature comes from a weather service for high and low during the service period for the current and previous year.
- Average daily electric cost
- Your average daily electric usage cost during this service period.
- Graph
- It provides a comparison of your daily average kilowatt-hour use during the billing periods for the last two years, if available.
Billing Information
- Service Charge
- Charge includes billing, meter reading, equipment and other expenses which are incurred whether or not you used electricity during this service period.
- Demand Revenue
- Charge is only applicable to demand-metered services.
- kWh Usage
- Your electric usage charge during this service period.
- Fuel and Purchased Power Adjustment (FPPA)
- The FPPA recovers fuel and purchased power costs above or below the Fuel and Purchased Power Base Rate (defined in Rate Schedule 461). OPPD will calculate the FPPA prior to the start of each year and apply this charge to the number of kilowatt-hours used each month.
- Product & Service
- Total amount of product and/or services (e.g. Surge Guard charges) billed during this service period, if applicable.
- Other/Adjustments
- Total amount of adjustments (e.g. account service charges, late payment charges) posted to your account during this service period, if applicable.
- Sales Tax
- The State of Nebraska and many communities in OPPD's service area collect a tax on the purchase of goods and services. This sales tax is added to electric service bills each month when applicable.
- Late Payment Charge
- Late Payment Charge assessed since your last bill, if applicable.
- Total Charges
- Total charges for the account during this service period.
- Prior Account Status
- If you are on the Level Payment Plan, it is your actual account charge on your previous bill.
- Current Account Status
- If you are on the Level Payment Plan, it is your actual account charge during this service period. This is the amount you owe OPPD if you are no longer wish to be on the Level Payment Plan.
- Late Payment Charge
- Potential late payment charge applies to your account if payment is not received by the Due Date.