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Business FAQ
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Business FAQ

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Deposits help control costs associated with bill-collection activities, and ensure that such costs are not passed on to other ratepayers. Deposits are assessed on all new general service customers and previous general service customers who currently do not have service.

OPPD offers account security options other than deposits, including:

  • Surety bond – obtained from your insurance company
  • Irrevocable letter of credit – obtained from your financial institution

General service customers are eligible for a refund after four years of service if they have maintained a good payment history. To qualify, customers must have no more than two late payment charges in four years.

Call OPPD Customer Service at 402-536-4131.

OPPD offers the Level Payment Plan to qualified commercial customers on Rate Schedules 230 and 231. To qualify for the plan, payment on your account must be current. Commercial customers must have had an OPPD account for at least two years, and must have an acceptable OPPD credit record.

For additional questions, call 402-536-4131 to talk to an OPPD representative.

No. The meter read dates are on certain cycles for specific areas.

OPPD’s rates use standard utility pricing, known as Demand/Energy/Customer pricing. OPPD’s rates include charges for each of these items.

Demand relates to the amount of electricity used by customers at a specific time. OPPD’s demand rates measure demand in 15-minute intervals. OPPD’s generating plants and transmission lines must be large enough to supply electricity at all times. Demand charges recover the costs of building and maintaining power plants and transmission lines.

OPPD rates contain demand charges for larger customers (< 50 kilowatt (KW) demand). If you are a larger commercial customer, you can manage your demand charges by controlling energy use in your facilities.

Turning equipment on at the same time can sometimes result in peak demands from in-rush currents. Alternate scheduling of your larger motor loads can help. You can also implement energy savings improvements like variable frequency drives, digital controls, and energy efficient lighting to reduce your demand and consumption charges.

Another option may be to try our time of use rider, which offers a lower demand ratchet if energy is used outside normal peak periods.

An OPPD representative can help you find the best solution for your business. Call 402-636-3536 to reach the appropriate electrical service designer, account manager or senior account manager.

The demand charge for the current month is based on one of the following factors, whichever is highest:

  • Actual kilowatt (kW) usage for month
  • 85% of highest summer kW
  • 60% of highest winter kW, or the minimum for the rate

Another reason could be a low power factor percentage, which will correct your demand to 85% of your actual kW.

Having different multipliers does not mean you are getting charged more or less for each kWh used on one account versus another. The multiplier used depends on the meter type and size at each service location.

To help control equipment and installation costs, OPPD determines the size and type of meter installed based on the amount of electrical load at each location.

OPPD performs a rate analysis on all general service customer accounts annually to ensure they are on the best rate. You can request an analysis at any time.

OPPD account managers and electrical service designers also can meet with you and provide an energy review, which includes a review of your annual electrical usage, including rate comparison information. Call OPPD at 402-636-3536 or contact your OPPD senior account manager or account manager to arrange for an appointment or to discuss rate comparisons.

The owner should submit a letter of authorization to grant access to their account. Once the form is received, OPPD will be in touch with next steps. The form is located on Manage Properties.

This can be set up by completing the landlord contract to transfer service back into his/her name between tenants. The form is located on Manage Properties.

From time to time, you may have the opportunity to submit information to OPPD by participating in surveys, or providing suggestions through the Website and/or via email addressed from

Yes. OPPD offers several rebates for improving the energy efficiency in commercial and industrial buildings. Review Business Products and Services for more information.

If you are considering installation of generation equipment, you should call OPPD at 402-552-4930 to discuss your particular installation. It is important to become familiar with all local, state and federal requirements concerning installation, operation and maintenance of such equipment, and an OPPD representative can review this with you.

Open transition: OPPD requirements for generation equipment that operates electrically isolated from the OPPD system (open transition) are in its Meter Specification Manual. OPPD requires notification, consultation and inspection for all such standby generator installations.

Closed transition: Equipment that operates (or is capable of operating) while electrically connected to (or parallel to) the OPPD system (closed transition) must meet stringent OPPD requirements, including an OPPD application and review process, and execution of written operating agreements. These steps are critical to help ensure your safety and the safety of OPPD employees. 

OPPD will often require the generator facility to install an exterior service disconnect switch, protective relaying and other specialized equipment. The specific technical requirements for generation equipment capable of closed transition operation can be found in the OPPD Customer-Owned Generation Interconnection Manual. The Customer Generation web page will provide additional information.

It is always best to contact an OPPD representative as early as possible when planning a new construction project. Call 402-636-3536 to reach the appropriate account manager, or visit the senior account manager or account manager page

Checklist of Information Needed Prior to New or Upgraded Service
Project Identification
1. Project name
2. Owner’s name and phone number
3. Contact person’s name and phone number
4. Architect and consulting engineer
5. General contractor and electrical contractor (when known)
6. Project address/service address
7. Legal description (for easements, if needed)

Building Location
1. Site plan
2. Building elevations
3. Grade changes planned
4. Distribution pole relocations

Electrical Data
1. Total connected load details:
  a. Lighting kW
  b. Motor HP
  c. Heating kW
  d. Air-conditioning kW or tonnage
  e. Miscellaneous
2. kW of largest unit of load
3. Estimated maximum demand in kW (if available)
4. Type of transformer installation desired:
  a. Padmount
  b. Overhead
  c. Other
5. Point of entrance desired
6. Voltage and phases desired
7. Electrical one-line diagram
8. Number and size of each main disconnect
9. Number and size of line and load conductors
10. Meter location desired
11. kVa meter or specialized (pulse) metering needed
12. If rewiring, old meter number
13. Possible future load additions

Time Schedule
1. Work drawings, start and completion dates
2. Bid date
3. Permanent service date

Typically, there is a fee for equipment relocations, but these are handled on a case-by-case basis. Fee determination is based on the reason for the relocation, easement and/or right of way details, and time, labor and materials involved.

To schedule an appointment, call 402-636-3536 to reach the appropriate account manager, or visit the senior account manager or account manager page.

When adding electrical load to an existing facility, you must contact your OPPD account manager or electrical service designer to ensure that OPPD facilities can accommodate your new load.

This is also a good time to review your rate to ensure you are on the best rate. Call 402-636-3536 to reach the appropriate account manager, or visit the senior account manager or account manager page.

Outages can be scheduled by contacting your OPPD account manager, electrical service designer or customer service analyst. Call 402-636-3536 and your call will be transferred to the appropriate person.

Don't see your question listed above?

To access customer service for non-outage-related issues, please call 402-536-4131 in the Omaha area, and 1-877-536-4131 outside of the metro area, or email OPPD's customer service office is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Outside of regular business hours, customers should call 1-800-554-OPPD (6773) to report outages and emergencies. 
(The 1-800 prefix must be dialed even if the call is local.)