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News Releases : Storm Recovery Efforts Underway as OPPD Faces "500-Year" Ice Event
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Storm Recovery Efforts Underway as OPPD Faces "500-Year" Ice Event

MyAccount & self-service forms are undergoing maintenance on Saturday (3/29) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
To report a power outage, call 800-554-6773 or use the OPPDconnect app.
To make a one-time payment, click here or call 877-536-4131.

Crews are working around the clock with nearly 600 crew members between Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) and its mutual aid partners to restore power following the devastating spring blizzard that came with rain, snow, wind, ice and even thunder and lightning. The damage has been extensive, attributed to what experts are calling a "500-year ice event."  

Typically, spring blizzards bring about 1 to 1.25 inches of ice; however, this recent storm resulted in an unprecedented accumulation of 3 to 5 inches of ice around power lines. The combination of this heavy ice and incredibly high winds weighed down lines, causing significant damage to poles and crossarms and ripping fuses off structures. A "500-year event" refers to a weather event that has a 0.2% – or 1 in 500 – chance of occurring in any given year, meaning it's statistically considered very rare. 

This blizzard ranks among the top five most severe weather events in OPPD's history, with a peak of 106,000 customers without power at one time. Throughout the 18-hour event, we had 132,000 total customers impacted at various times. The storm is noted as the worst ice event in 34 years, underscoring the magnitude of the situation and the challenges faced by restoration crews. 

As recovery efforts continue, OPPD urges customers to remain vigilant against potential scams that often arise in the wake of major storms. Historically, such events tend to attract utility scammers who seek to exploit vulnerable customers. These scammers may falsely claim that customers need to pay for equipment or threaten disconnection for alleged overdue bills, even when no such debt exists.  

OPPD is committed to keeping the community informed and safe during this challenging time. Customers are encouraged to report any suspicious activity by calling (402) 536-4131 and to rely on official OPPD communications for updates on power restoration and safety information.  

The dedication of OPPD crews and their partners is unwavering as they work tirelessly to restore power and ensure the safety of the community. Please check for the latest information and outage numbers.