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Fleet Emissions
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Fleet Emissions

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OPPD's Commitment

OPPD is committed to providing environmentally sensitive energy to its customers, energy that remains both affordable and reliable. As part of this ongoing commitment, the District will continue working, as it has always done, to ensure the health and public safety of all the communities it serves. Since 2010, OPPD's generating fleet has reduced mercury emissions by over 90 percent, and nitrogen oxide emissions by over 40 percent. OPPD's North Omaha Station generating units routinely operate 70% below the EPA sulfur dioxide limit, and the Nebraska City Station Unit 1 routinely operates over 40% below the EPA sulfur dioxide limit.

Interested in local air quality? The Douglas County Health Department provides real-time monitoring of ambient air quality. See their website here for more information.

Looking for additional emissions data? The United States Environmental Protection Agency collects and publishes comprehensive emissions data as part of their Clean Air Markets Program Data program. See their website here for more information.

Emissions Reports

Annual NOx Emissions (Tons) chart

Annual SO2 Emissions (Tons) Chart

Annual Hg Emissions (Pounds) Chart

Annual CO2 Emissions (Tons) Chart
Annual CO2 Emissions include all emissions attributed to NC2 operation whereas the Carbon Intensity calculations below do not account for emissions attributed to Purchase Power Agreements with NC2 Power Partners.

Carbon Intensity

For customers compiling a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory, beginning in 2023 OPPD recommends using the carbon intensity factors for the SPP market region as calculated by the USEPA. See here for more information. Historical Carbon Intensity Memos are provided below.